Alpha Zeta Omega is comprised of more than 400 college-educated women from diverse backgrounds. To achieve its goals and maintain its profile in the community, the Chapter draws on its diverse constituency of women representing a variety of professions, including business, legal, political, media, educational, governmental, technological, entertainment, and healthcare industries. Many of these women have distinguished themselves with graduate and professional degrees as well as high achievements in their respective fields while still contributing to the sorority. Yet, the Chapter seeks to expand its reach to more women who share its sincere interest in serving the community.
Alpha Zeta Omega Chapter always welcomes returning members to our sisterhood. Please contact our Membership Chairmen for reactivation questions and to submit your Reactivation Form electronically. We encourage you to bring the completed form to the next chapter meeting or email it. You will need the following information to complete the form:
Current name
Chapter of initiation and date
Last chapter with which you were active
All previous names used
Financial card number (if available)
The dues for Alpha Zeta Omega vary depending on your current membership status. Please email our Membership Chairmen, to obtain information on chapter dues and/or request additional information. Thank you for your consideration and adherence to our guidelines. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting! See our Corporate website for more information on reactivation.
Transferring Members
Before transferring membership from one chapter to another, you must obtain the consent of your former chapter. The Transfer Verification Form must be completed before transferring your membership. Please have the last chapter’s President and Treasurer you were affiliated with fill out the form and return the original to you. We encourage you to bring the completed form to our next chapter meeting or email our Membership Chairmen the forms. Please make sure you keep a copy for your records.
Before transferring your status as a General Member to a member, you must obtain clearance from the Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office. The dues vary depending on your current membership status. Please email our Membership Chairmen to obtain requirements for chapter dues and request additional information. Thank you for your consideration and adherence to our guidelines. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!
Visiting Members
Alpha Zeta Omega Chapter monthly chapter meetings (for sorority members only) are held on the second Sunday of every month at 3:00 pm. If you’re new to the Durham area, or seeking a new AKA home, we cordially invite you to join us for our next meeting!
We ask that all sorors interested in visiting our chapter meetings complete the Visiting Soror Form prior to attending a meeting. In accordance with National Standard Operating Guidelines and/or Chapter Protocol, members are asked to provide two forms of identification (one Primary and one Secondary) and proof of COVID Vaccination for meeting entry. Primary Identifications may include any government issued ID. Secondary Identifications may include, but are not limited to:
A current or past financial card (In most cases, the name listed should match the Primary ID. Exceptions: maiden name, married name)
A copy of your original membership certificate signed by our National Office
A receipt from a Cluster, Regional Conference or Boule that contains your name
Note: If you have questions and/or you are unable to produce the necessary documentation, please contact our Membership Chairmen no later than the Wednesday prior to the monthly meeting with the following subject line: ENTRY REQUESTED–AZΩ Monthly Meeting. Thank you for your consideration and adherence to our guidelines and we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!
Tracey Brown Burton & Avera White
Chapter Membership